Here we have gathered all the dissemination activities for RealHOPE.
The RealHOPE folder
The sensitive structure of proteins makes the handling of protein drugs complex. Our research can
change this. Read more about our research in our folder.
SCIENTIFIC Publications
Exploring industry stakeholder perspectives on a clinical testbed for evaluating the handling of protein drugs in hospitals
Jesper Arvidsson, Yaser Alkhatib, Marc Egen, Ulla Elofsson, Anna Fureby Millqvist, Carmen Lopez-Cabezas, Marie Wahlgren, Marika Rosenberger, and Mattias Paulsson, February 2025
Pneumatic tube transport of trastuzumab in IV bags—Effect of headspace and surfactant on subvisible particle formation
Anna Kjellström, Ida Cederwall, Clàudia Sabaté Martínez, Stanley Kwok, Florian Rosenthal, Ulla Elofsson, Mattias Paulsson, Marie Wahlgren, January 2025
Light exacerbates local and global effects induced by pH unfolding of Ipilimumab
Elena Rizzotto, Ilenia Inciardi, Benedetta Fongaro, Philipp Troelse, Giorgia Miolo, Patrizia Polverino de Laureto, August 2024
How are we handling protein drugs in hospitals? A human factors and systems engineering approach to compare two hospitals and suggest a best practice
Clàudia Sabaté-Martínez, Mattias Paulsson , Silvia González-Suárez, Ulla Elofsson, Anna Millqvist Fureby, Marie Wahlgren, Carmen López-Cabezas May 2024
Impact of post manufacturing handling of protein-based biologic drugs on product quality and user centricity
Elia Cappelletto , Stanley C. Kwok , Lea Sorret , Nathalie Fuentes ,Annette Medina , Stephen Burleigh , Jonas Fast , Isla S. Mackenzie , Anna Millqvist Fureby ,
Mattias Paulsson , Marie Wahlgren , Ulla Elofsson , Angela Flynn , Giorgia Miolo , Lina Nystrom , Patrizia Polverino De Laureto , Giorgia De Paoli, May 2024
Towards a a better understanding of light-glucose induced modifications on
the structure and biological activity of formulated Nivolumab
Elisabetta De Diana, Elena Rizzotto, Ilenia Inciardi, Luca Menilli, Marina Coppola, Patrizia Polverino de Laureto, Giorgia Miolo, April 2024
Examination of the Protein Drug Supply Chain in a Swedish University Hospital: Focus on Handling Risks and Mitigation Measures
Claudia Sabaté Martínez, Leanne Amery, Giorgia De Paoli, Ulla Elofsson, Anna Millqvist Fureby, Stanley Kwok, Carmen López-Cabezas, Marika Rosenberger, Christian Schoenau, Marie Wahlgren, Mattias Paulsson, May 2023
Managing antibody stability: Effects of stressors on Ipilimumab from the commercial formulation to diluted solutions
Benedetta Fongaro, Valentina Cian, Francesca Gabaldo, Giorgia De Paoli, Giorgia Miolo, Patrizia Polverino de Laureto (University of Padova and University od Dundee), 17 May 2022
Photostability of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in their formulation and sterile saline or glucose solutions for parenteral administration within a chemical surface tensiometry combined approach
Giorgia Miolo, et al.
Photostability of anticancer monoclonal antibodies
Giorgia Miolo, et al.
20th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lyon, France 30th of August 2023
Photostability of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody, Nivolumab-Opdivo, in its formulation and saline or glucose solutions for parenteral administration
Elisabetta De Diana, et al.
Lecce, Italy, June 28-29 2023
How are we handling drug proteins? A Gemba walk in two European hospitals
Carmen López-Cabezas, Silvia González-Suárez, Mattias Paulsson, Clàudia Sabater-Martínez, Thais Lizondo, Giorgia di Paoli, Ulla Elofsson
EAHP congress, Lisabon Abstract | European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (
Qualitative research on real handling of protein drug products in RealHOPE
Giorgia de Paoli, et al.
DIA (Drug Information Association) meeting in Brussels, Belgium March 29-31
Survey of in-use handling aspects of protein drugs
Giorgia de Paoli, et al.
Bioprocessing Summit Europe, Spain, Barcelona, March 15-16 2023
Study of In-Hospital Protein Drug Supply Chain
Clàudia Sabaté Martíneza, Marika Rosenbergerb, Mattias Paulssonc*
International Pharmaceutical Federation FIP World Congress
RealHOPE – Real World Handling of Protein Drugs: Exploration, Evaluation and Education
U. Elofsson, G. De Paoli, I. Mackenzie, S. D. Manceva, A. Millqvist Fureby, S Patke, M. Paulsson, M. Rosenberger, T. Khan, M. Wahlgren, C. Schönau
8-11 August 2022, Colorado Protein Stability Conference
Qualitative research on real handling of protein drug products in RealHOPE
Giorgia de Paoli, et al.
19-23 June 2022, DIA (Drug Information Association) meeting, Chicago, USA