Developing training and educational materials to improve safety aspects and give patient the best possible effect of their medications.
RealHOPE consist of five work packages that each addresses the five project goals set for the project. The fourth work package is called TEACH and will develop educational and training materials for healthcare providers and patient organizations/stakeholders to improve the safety and handling of protein drug products.
The materials and platforms produced will be limited to a selected set of stakeholders to ensure a successful and thorough execution of our efforts. The educational modules created here can then be used as models for continued expansion after the conclusion of the project.
Through interview, and focus groups discussions, the preferred methods for training among different groups will be mapped out to guide the development of training materials and their formats. Special attention will be directed towards inclusion of different subgroups to cover age groups, computer and IT literacy, access to electronic devices, educational levels, disease groups, multimorbidity’s, as well as cultural and geographical diversity.
As nurses are a critical group within the care for patients requiring protein drugs, the training needs for the nurses will be specifically addressed. The nurses have through their close interaction with the patients the dual role of care givers and (informal) educators for the patients.
Close collaboration with RealHOPE work package SHAPE
TEACH will gather input from all work packages and will work closely with SHAPE on interactions with the stakeholders through interviews, focus group discussions, surveys and the evaluation of the data obtained through these activities. TEACH will also address the communication of regulatory issues that could be a consequence of the knowledge gained in RealHOPE.